How To Use 7Zip To Get Your Free Convertershare
7zip is an excellent free file compression and archive sharing tool. But it s unfortunate how few users and professionals are aware of it. So if you too want to take advantage of this powerful software, then please be guided on how to use 7zip. So to begin with, you should open a new file or folder, then right click on the selected item and then select "epad" or "txt".
Once you have selected this option, you will be given three options: file compression (rar) and text (text) compression. Select "rar" and then " decompress" or "zip". You will then see a message that says "The archive is going to be removed". This is necessary as the files are now ready for use in your PC.
Step number two: Once you have selected your files, then double click on the "zip" icon that appears in the task bar. You will then be shown a blank document. The next step number is to select "writer" in the drop down menu. The next step number is to choose the "Save As" command and you can choose either "Text" or "HTML" format. Once you have made your selection, then click on "OK".
How to Use 7zip to Get Your Free Convertershare
Step number three: Right-click on the extracted file and you will be shown a dialog box. In the dialog box, click on "Open". Next, you will see a pane separated into two tabs; one for " Contents", and the other for "zip compressed data". You will then notice a list of folders containing zipped files of varying size depending on the original size of the original file.
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Step number four: Click on the plus sign next to the plus sign icon to display the contents of the folder. The contents will be displayed in a folder with the extension "7z". These files will be in a folder structure which is very similar to a zip archive. Note that you may have encountered this same scenario before and you might not know how to use 7zip for this exercise. If this is the first time you have encountered this, then you will notice that it is quite easy. The same as when you want to extract a zip archive, just right-click on the "zip" file and the extracted data will appear.
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The seventh step: Now that you have the extracted data, you need to convert it to a suitable format to be used in WinRAR or PEDA formats. WinRAR is a good program to compress data and if you have the program, you can easily convert the data from the 7z format to WinRAR archive. For this, you will use a tool called "WinRAR Compressor". Once you are sure that you have installed and activated WinRAR, close all the programs but the WinRAR Compressor. Now, drag all the files you want to compress into the WinRAR Compressor and once done, press the "Compress" button.
The last step: In order to extract the information you want, let us assume that you want to get the estimated reading time from the file. Simply go to the "Get Effective Readings" option in the WinRAR and click the "Zip All Files" option. You will be prompted to fill out the zip code. Once you have done so, you will see that all the files are extracted. Once you have completed this step, you are ready to convert the files to be used in WinRAR or PEDA format.
You have now learned how to use 7zip successfully to compress the data. There is one more step that needs to be mentioned. To determine the size of the compressed archive, simply right-click on the WinRar icon in your desktop and choose "Properties". This will open a new window. Here, you will see the current size of the WinRar file and the size of the individual files, which you can set the size you want them to be.
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